PTI’s Internal Strife Deepens: Asad Qaiser Raises Doubts on Imran Khan’s Approval for Senate Candidates

PTBP Web Desk

As Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI) grapples with internal conflicts, senior leader Asad Qaiser has cast doubt on whether party founder Imran Khan endorsed the list of candidates for the Senate elections. Qaiser’s remarks, made in an interview with a private news channel on Friday, shed light on the growing rifts within PTI.

When asked about his satisfaction regarding the genuineness of the Senate candidates and Khan’s involvement in selecting them, Qaiser responded, “I have no clue if Imran Khan approved it or not. I don’t want to comment on it.” Despite his uncertainty, Qaiser acknowledged Omer Sarfraz Cheema’s contributions to the party and asserted his right to a senate ticket.

These comments from Qaiser come amidst internal turmoil within PTI, with top party leaders expressing dissent and conflicting opinions on critical decisions, including forming alliances. The decision to align with the Sunni Ittehad Council (SIC) following the February 8 elections has particularly stirred controversy.

PTI leader Sher Afzal Marwat criticized the party’s decisions, claiming that wrong choices led to the loss of over 80 seats. Marwat highlighted the withdrawal from an alliance with Jamiat Ulema-e-Islam-Shirani (JUI-Shirani) and subsequent dealings with Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf-Nazriati (PTI-N) as significant setbacks.

Furthermore, Marwat criticized PTI’s alliance with Majlis Wahdat-e-Muslimeen (MWM) and later opting for SIC, citing threats received for aligning with MWM. However, conflicting statements emerged regarding the decision-making process, with Senator Barrister Ali Zafar claiming that Imran Khan remained consistent in his decisions despite external influences.

Meanwhile, PTI leader Mian Aslam Iqbal announced the party’s candidates for the upcoming Senate elections scheduled for April 02. Sanam Javed and Dr. Yasmin Rashid are nominated for the women’s and technocrat seats, respectively, from Punjab. Hamid Khan, Zulfi Bukhari, Omer Sarfraz Cheema, and Colonel (retd) Ejaz Hussain Minhas are contesting for the general seats.

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