COAS Munir Praises Successful Elections 2024

Army Chief pakistan

PTBP Web Desk

Chief of Army Staff (COAS), General Asim Munir, expressed congratulations to the nation on the smooth conduct of the General Elections 2024, emphasizing the significant turnout as a testament to Pakistanis’ dedication to democracy.

In a statement released today by the Inter-Services Public Relations (ISPR), COAS Munir extended his commendations to the caretaker government, the Election Commission of Pakistan (ECP), political parties, and victorious candidates.

Acknowledging the pivotal role of law enforcement agencies in ensuring a secure electoral environment despite challenges, COAS Munir praised their dedication and efforts.

He also recognized the constructive contributions of national media, civil society, civil administration members, and the judiciary in facilitating the largest electoral process in Pakistan’s history.

COAS Munir’s remarks follow the active participation of millions of voters on Thursday, with official results pending announcement by the ECP.

Highlighting the significance of a unified government representing Pakistan’s diverse populace, COAS Munir stressed that elections and democracy are tools for serving the people rather than end goals in themselves.

Calling for political maturity and unity from all parties, COAS Munir urged reflection on Pakistan’s current position and its desired role on the global stage.

In conclusion, COAS Munir expressed hopes that the elections would pave the way for political and economic stability, fostering peace and prosperity for Pakistan.

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