Controversy Erupts as Shahid Afridi Refutes Pro-Israel Allegations

PTBP Web Desk

Pakistani cricket star Shahid Afridi found himself embroiled in controversy recently when an Instagram account associated with a pro-Israel organization alleged that he endorsed their event in Manchester, UK. The incident sparked a social media storm and led Afridi to issue a swift denial, asserting that the photo taken with the group did not signify his endorsement of their cause.

In a post on his X handle, Afridi expressed disbelief over the situation, narrating how he was approached by individuals who asked for a selfie while walking down a street in Manchester. Hours later, the photo appeared on social media with captions suggesting Afridi’s support for the “Friends of Israel” event. He vehemently refuted these claims, urging his followers not to believe everything posted online.

“Imagine strolling down a street in Manchester (UK) and so-called fans approach you for a selfie. You oblige, and moments later, they upload it as some form of Zionist endorsement…,” Afridi wrote in response to the allegations.

He clarified that his actions were in no way meant to endorse any political stance, particularly ones involving human rights issues. Afridi emphasized his sympathy for the suffering of innocent lives in Palestine, distancing himself from any perceived alignment with causes that conflict with his humanitarian beliefs.

“Seeing innocent lives in Palestine suffer is truly heartbreaking. Any photo or association shared in Manchester does not reflect my support for any situation where human lives are at stake,” Afridi stated firmly.

The controversy erupted when the Instagram account “NW Friends of Israel” shared Afridi’s photo alongside two of its officials, claiming that the cricketer had shown support for their campaign calling for the release of hostages. The organization’s post created a ripple effect across social media platforms, drawing both support and criticism for Afridi.

Responding to the claims made by “NW Friends of Israel,” Afridi maintained that he takes photos with fans from all walks of life without endorsing their political views. He reiterated that the incident in Manchester was no different from his usual interactions with admirers.

Meanwhile, the “NW Friends of Israel” account stood by its assertion, stating that Afridi willingly posed for a photo with their officials and supported their cause during the event. They expressed disappointment over Afridi’s denial, emphasizing their mission to advocate for what they believe is the humane treatment of hostages held by Hamas.

As the dispute continued to unfold online, Afridi faced further questions about his stance on the issue. Critics pointed out the sensitivity of endorsing causes linked to geopolitical conflicts, especially given the volatile nature of the Israel-Palestine conflict.

Author Fatima Bhutto also weighed in on the controversy, calling for Afridi to clarify his position amidst the escalating tensions. After Afridi’s response, Bhutto noted that the cricketer denied any knowledge of the organization and suggested that their motives might have been to boost their event’s profile.

In subsequent exchanges, the “NW Friends of Israel” reiterated their claim that Afridi willingly participated in their campaign, citing his support for their efforts to secure the release of hostages. They

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