Covert Group Manipulates Anti-Smoking Campaign to Influence Budget

Mohsin Siddiqui (Chief Reporter) 

As the presentation of the upcoming fiscal year’s federal budget approaches, a covert group has been revealed to be actively manipulating public opinion. Recent reports indicate that anonymous banners have been strategically placed along Constitution Avenue and other significant thoroughfares. These banners, featuring an image of Prime Minister Shahbaz Sharif, call for an increase in cigarette taxes, ostensibly to highlight the benefits of such a policy change.
On May 16, 2024, a request was submitted to the Director of the Directorate of Municipal Administration (DMA) for the approval of 400 banners as part of an anti-smoking awareness campaign. The proposed locations included Constitution Avenue, Blue Area, Sector F-6, Sector F-7, and Sector G-6. However, contrary to the stated purpose of raising awareness about the dangers of smoking, the banners prominently displayed the Prime Minister’s image and demanded higher taxes on cigarettes.
Sources have identified that the request was made by a company named Master Mind, which operates out of Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. The letterhead accompanying the request listed Farm House Chak Shahzad as the local office address. However, investigations revealed that no such company operates from this address. It appears that covert elements cunningly deceived DMA officers, resulting in the unauthorized installation of hundreds of anonymous banners around Constitution Avenue and the Red Zone. To lend these banners an air of officialdom, they were colored in the official green used by government campaigns.

According to sources, the underlying motive of this deceptive campaign was to exert indirect pressure on the Federal Board of Revenue (FBR) policy-making officers to increase the tax rate on cigarettes in the forthcoming budget. The use of fake letterheads and the strategic placement of these banners with official approval raise significant concerns and questions about the integrity of the process. Economic experts suggest that certain elements are leveraging the anti-smoking awareness campaign for their own concealed financial benefits.
The clandestine orchestrators behind this campaign intended to influence policy-making ahead of the budget announcement. By installing anonymous banners that appear to be part of a government-sanctioned initiative, these elements have been significantly exposed. The immediate approval of the banner campaign, allegedly on the recommendation of a high-ranking officer, points to deeper layers of collusion and raises further questions about the DMA officers’ silence despite being aware of the fraud.
The revelation of this manipulation has sparked a flurry of reactions from various quarters. Public opinion is divided, with some supporting the message of increasing cigarette taxes due to health concerns, while others decry the deceptive methods employed to push this agenda. Economic analysts emphasize the need for transparency and integrity in public campaigns, especially those related to policy-making.
“This incident underscores the importance of vigilance and due diligence in approving public campaigns,” said Dr. Farooq Hassan, an economic analyst. “The misuse of public platforms for private gain not only undermines public trust but also distorts policy-making processes.”
In response to the exposure of this fraudulent campaign, calls for a thorough investigation have intensified. The government is expected to scrutinize the approval process and hold accountable those involved in the deception. There are also demands for stricter regulations and checks to prevent such occurrences in the future.
This incident highlights a critical need for robust mechanisms to ensure that public campaigns are genuine and free from manipulation. It also serves as a reminder of the influence that covert groups can exert on policy-making through seemingly benign initiatives.
As the situation develops, it remains to be seen how the government will address these concerns and restore public confidence in its processes. The upcoming budget announcement will be closely watched not only for its economic implications but also for any reflections of the pressures exerted by this covert campaign.

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