DG PSQCA Ms. Ismat Gul Khattak Visits Various Sections of PSQCA Complex in Karachi

Ahsan Siddiqui

Ms. Ismat Gul Khattak, Director General of the Pakistan Standards and Quality Control Authority (PSQCA), conducted a comprehensive visit to multiple sections of the PSQCA Complex in Karachi on Tuesday, accompanied by esteemed officials including Mr. Jamil Ahmed Shaikh, Secretary, Mr. Ali Bux Soomro, Director Import & Export, Mr. Khalid Ahmed Bablani, Director Finance, Mr. Muhammad Ashraf Palari, Director Conformity Assessment South, Mr. Noor Ahmed Jamali, Assistant Director Media, and other officers.

During this visit, Ms. Ismat Gul Khattak expressed her firm commitment to fostering a culture of standards and quality, emphasizing PSQCA’s pivotal role in advancing public awareness and supporting manufacturers. In her address, Ms. Ismat Gul highlighted PSQCA’s indispensable role as a major stakeholder in Pakistan, dedicated to upholding standards and ensuring the provision of high-quality goods to consumers across the nation.

“PSQCA plays a vital role as a major stakeholder in Pakistan to maintain standards and ensure the provision of quality goods to consumers,” stated Ms. Ismat Gul Khattak, underlining the agency’s unwavering dedication to upholding quality standards in the country.

The visit showcased the DG’s dedication to furthering the objectives of PSQCA, strengthening its role in maintaining and elevating the quality benchmarks across various industries, and ensuring consumer satisfaction through quality products.

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