ECC Meeting Addresses Wheat Procurement and Provincial Involvement

Mohsin Siddiqui (Chief Reporter)

The Economic Coordination Committee (ECC) of the Cabinet convened to discuss wheat procurement matters on April 4, 2024. Following input from relevant Federal Ministries, ECC members deemed it necessary to involve Provincial governments in the discussions due to their crucial role in implementing decisions on the ground.

Consequently, the meeting reconvened on April 5 with participation from all Provincial representatives. They provided updates on wheat procurement status and outlined their credit requirements for the purpose.

After extensive deliberations, the Committee approved the procurement targets proposed by the Ministry of Food Security and the Provinces, along with the cash credit limits necessary. Notably, there were no suggestions for target adjustments from relevant departments, and no changes were approved by the ECC.

The Government of Punjab assured the Committee of closely monitoring the wheat situation and initiating procurement processes. They pledged continued intervention to ensure farmers can sell their produce at support price levels.

In its inaugural meeting, the ECC emphasized thorough deliberations to make informed decisions rather than hastily approving measures. The Committee committed to ensuring stakeholder alignment before making decisions with significant implications. The detailed discussions during the April 4th and 5th meetings reflect this policy.

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