Federal Government Bolsters Security for KP Electricity Installations

Mohsin Siddiqui (Chief Reporter) 

The federal government has taken measures to ensure the security of crucial electricity distribution installations in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa (KP), along with safeguarding the lives of staff and property of Peshawar Electric Supply Company (Pesco) and Tribal Areas Electric Supply Company (Tesco). This action comes in the wake of viral threats from the KP Chief Minister, which have raised significant concerns about the stability and security of power infrastructure in the region.

On May 15, 2024, the Power Division communicated to Prime Minister Shahbaz Sharif that the KP Chief Minister had summoned the CEO of Pesco, issuing severe threats if load shedding was not curtailed across KP, with a specific focus on Dera Ismail Khan. This alarming incident underscores the challenges faced by electricity distribution companies operating in the region.

According to the Power Division, distribution companies in KP, particularly Pesco and Tesco, are among the top loss-making entities. It is anticipated that these companies will incur losses of approximately Rs 22 billion in the current financial year due to transmission and distribution (T&D) losses and under-recovery. Despite a nationwide anti-theft campaign launched in September 2023, which initially saw some success in KP, the financial outlook for these companies remains dire.

The Power Division noted that the situation worsened following the elections and the new KP government’s assumption of office. The current administration’s reluctance to address the deteriorating losses and under-recoveries has exacerbated the financial strain on Pesco and Tesco. Public statements by the KP Chief Minister have further complicated matters, with accusations of justifying electricity theft and threatening to take over distribution infrastructure.

Power Minister Sardar Awais Ahmed Khan Leghari expressed deep concern over the potential for violent agitation incited by the KP Chief Minister’s statements. In his letter to Prime Minister Shehbaz Sharif, he highlighted the risk to the lives of Pesco officials and the security of government properties. He stressed the need for law enforcement agencies to enhance security measures for vital electricity distribution installations and the safety of Pesco and Tesco employees.

The gravity of the threats was further underscored by a letter from the CEO of Pesco to the Power Division. The CEO recounted a late-night call from the KP Chief Minister, who threatened that a visit to Pesco headquarters would result in the CEO’s forced repatriation to the federal government. This direct threat emphasizes the urgency of the security measures being implemented.

In response to these threats, Prime Minister Shehbaz Sharif has directed the Interior Ministry to take necessary actions to ensure the security of vital electricity distribution installations in KP. The safety of Pesco and Tesco employees is a top priority, and the government is committed to preventing any disruption to the power supply and infrastructure in the region.

The federal government’s efforts to combat electricity theft and reduce load shedding continue despite these challenges. The initial success of the anti-theft campaign in cities like Mardan and parts of Peshawar demonstrates the potential for improvement. However, sustained efforts and cooperation from provincial authorities are crucial for long-term success.

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