“Former Prime Minister Shahid Khaqan Abbasi Temporarily Grounded: No-Fly List Incident at Islamabad Airport”

Former Prime Minister Shahid Khaqan Abbasi faced an unexpected hiccup on Friday when he was briefly stopped from traveling abroad due to his name being on the no-fly list. This incident occurred as he and his wife were about to catch a flight to China, CZ 6008, at Islamabad Airport.

During the immigration process, Mr. Abbasi was informed that he was on a stop list by orders from the Sindh court, halting his plans to travel. This news resulted in him having to step back from continuing his journey initially.

However, the situation didn’t last long as he was later given clearance to proceed with his travel plans. Despite the temporary disruption, Mr. Abbasi was eventually allowed to head to China as intended.

When approached for clarification regarding the incident, Mr. Abbasi denied any travel disturbance, stating that he had already departed for China. On the other hand, attempts to reach out to the Federal Investigation Agency (FIA) immigration authorities for comments went unanswered.

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