Health Budget Increased to Rs27 Billion for 2024-25

Mohsin Siddiqui (Chief Reporter) 

The National Food & Security Division’s budget has seen a remarkable increase of 366%, rising from Rs8.8 billion to Rs41 billion for the fiscal year 2024-25. This increase underscores the government’s commitment to strengthening the country’s food security infrastructure and addressing agricultural challenges.

Agricultural Development: The increased budget will support various agricultural development programs aimed at enhancing crop yields, improving irrigation systems, and promoting sustainable farming practices.

Research and Innovation: A significant portion of the budget will be allocated to agricultural research and innovation, facilitating advancements in crop technology, pest control, and soil health management.

Farmers’ Welfare: The new budget will also focus on initiatives to improve the welfare of farmers, including subsidies, training programs, and financial support for small-scale farmers.

The National Health Services & Research Division will see its budget nearly double, from Rs14 billion to Rs27 billion. This 93% increase reflects the government’s prioritization of healthcare and its commitment to improving the country’s health infrastructure.

Healthcare Infrastructure: The increased budget will be used to upgrade existing healthcare facilities, build new hospitals and clinics, and ensure the availability of essential medical equipment and supplies.

Public Health Programs: A portion of the budget will be dedicated to public health programs aimed at combating infectious diseases, improving maternal and child health, and promoting vaccination campaigns.

Medical Research and Training: The budget will also support medical research initiatives and the training of healthcare professionals to ensure the country has a well-equipped and knowledgeable healthcare workforce.

The significant budget increases for both divisions are expected to have a positive impact on the economy. By investing in agriculture, the government aims to boost food production, reduce dependency on imports, and enhance export potential. Improved healthcare services will lead to a healthier population, increasing productivity and reducing healthcare-related economic burdens.

Enhanced funding for food security and healthcare will contribute to better living standards for citizens. Improved agricultural practices will ensure food availability and affordability, while better healthcare services will lead to improved health outcomes and longevity.

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