IHC Seeks Report on Facilities Provided to Imran Khan in Adiala Jail

PTBP Web Desk

The Islamabad High Court (IHC) has sought a comprehensive report from Adiala Jail authorities regarding the facilities provided to the incarcerated founder of Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI), Imran Khan. This request was made during a hearing on Tuesday, presided over by IHC Chief Justice Aamer Farooq, who addressed concerns about the treatment and privileges extended to the former prime minister.

Azhar Siddique, the advocate representing Imran Khan, appeared before the IHC to present his client’s grievances. At the outset of the hearing, Chief Justice Aamer Farooq emphasized the court’s intention to gather accurate information from Adiala Jail authorities to understand the ground realities of Imran Khan’s imprisonment conditions.

During the proceedings, Azhar Siddique highlighted a significant issue: Imran Khan has not been permitted to communicate with his sons via WhatsApp calls. This restriction has added to the concerns regarding the treatment of the former prime minister in custody.

The IHC adjourned the hearing until August 22, after directing the Adiala Jail authorities to submit a detailed report on the facilities provided to Imran Khan over the past two weeks. This report is expected to shed light on whether the former prime minister is receiving any preferential treatment compared to other inmates.

Earlier, in a letter addressed to the Punjab Advocate General, the Inspector General (IG) of Prisons reported complaints from other prisoners at Adiala Jail. The inmates have expressed discontent with the special privileges allegedly granted to Imran Khan, which include up to six meetings with his lawyers in a single day. These prisoners have argued that such treatment violates the Prison Rules of 1978, which mandate equal treatment for all inmates.

The prisoners have demanded that the same level of facilities and privileges provided to Imran Khan and former Foreign Minister Shah Mahmood Qureshi be extended to all inmates. They argue that the differential treatment undermines the principles of fairness and justice enshrined in the Prison Rules. The authorities have been urged to review and possibly extend the facilities given to political prisoners to ensure equality among all prisoners.

The treatment of high-profile prisoners in Pakistan has often been a contentious issue, raising questions about the fairness and impartiality of the prison system. The current case involving Imran Khan is particularly significant given his prominent political status and the public interest surrounding his incarceration. The outcome of this inquiry could set a precedent for how political prisoners are treated in the future and may lead to broader reforms in the prison system.

The issue of Imran Khan’s treatment in jail has also garnered significant political attention. Supporters of PTI argue that the former prime minister is being unfairly targeted and that his rights are being violated. Conversely, opponents claim that he is receiving undue privileges that are not available to other prisoners. This polarized debate reflects the broader political divide in Pakistan and underscores the challenges faced by the judiciary in addressing such high-profile cases impartially.

The upcoming hearing on August 22 will be crucial in determining the next steps regarding the treatment of Imran Khan in Adiala Jail. The report from the jail authorities will provide the court with the necessary information to make an informed decision. Depending on the findings, the court may issue further directives to ensure that Imran Khan’s rights are protected while also addressing the concerns of other prisoners.

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