Lucky Commodities Raises Concerns on Sahiwal Power Plant Coal Procurement

PTBP Web Desk

Lucky Commodities, represented by M/s Lucky Commodities, has formally lodged a complaint with caretaker Minister for Power and Petroleum, Muhammad Ali, regarding the coal procurement process for the Sahiwal imported coal-fired power plant. The complaint centers around a bidding document dated November 2023, issued by Huaneng Shandong Ruyi (Pakistan) Energy (Private) Limited.

In the complaint letter, the company alleges potential favoritism in the tender process, expressing concerns that the criteria set may lean towards a single supplier who has been providing coal since the inception of the process at a rate exceeding Rs 70,000, compared to the actual rate of approximately Rs 50,000. The bidding conditions seemingly limit participation to a single supplier based on the set criteria.

The company highlights Clause 9 of Section One (Instructions for Bidders) of the Bidding Document, which mandates bidders to demonstrate a substantial history of importing not less than 300,000 metric tons of coal from November 2022 to October 2023. While recognizing the need for stringent criteria to ensure coal supply reliability, Lucky Commodities argues that the specified import quantity and the condition for yearly imports may unintentionally hinder competitive bidding and act as a barrier for potential entrants in the coal supply market.

The concerns raised by Lucky Commodities revolve around the fairness and transparency of the bidding process, emphasizing the potential lack of competitive opportunities for other industry players to submit bids.

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