Pakistan Condemns Israeli Attacks on UNRWA and Hospitals in Gaza

media briefing, Mumtaz Zahra Baloch, the Foreign Office (FO) Spokesperson, strongly condemned Israel’s repeated attacks on the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees (UNRWA) and other humanitarian agencies. Pakistan expressed deep concern over Israel’s assaults on the Qatari Committee for the Reconstruction of Gaza, including its headquarters.

Baloch also criticized Israel’s actions against hospitals, citing the recent incursion into Al Shifa hospital, where Israeli troops reportedly seized weapons and conducted searches. She emphasized that these actions, in complete disregard of international law, constitute a war on hospitals by the Israeli occupation forces.

Pakistan strongly denounced Israel’s incursion into Al Shifa hospital and joined the international community in holding Israel accountable for its attacks on medical facilities. Baloch pointed out that Israel’s deliberate destruction of civilian infrastructure, including the legislative council, aims to make Gaza uninhabitable for its civilian population.

On a positive note, the FO spokesperson welcomed the joint declaration from the Joint Arab-Islamic Extraordinary Summit held in Saudi Arabia. The declaration urged the UN Security Council to enforce resolutions against Israel, demanded a halt to the export of weapons to the occupying force, and called for an investigation into Israeli crimes by the International Criminal Court.

The condemnation of Israeli actions and the support for international initiatives underscore Pakistan’s commitment to advocating for the rights of Palestinians and promoting a peaceful resolution to the ongoing conflict.

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