Pakistan Customs Seizes Contraband Cigarettes Worth Rs. 156 Million

Pakistan Customs has taken action against the smuggling of foreign-origin cigarettes into the country, seizing a significant quantity in a recent operation. Specifically, during the period from October 30th, 2023, to November 5th, 2023, Pakistan Customs intercepted and confiscated 8,157,200 cigarette sticks valued at Rs. 156 million.

To curb this illegal activity, Pakistan Customs formed specialized teams dedicated to combatting the smuggling of foreign cigarettes. Additionally, the customs authority has issued directives to anti-smuggling units, including mobile squads stationed at different Collectorates and airports, to maintain a constant and vigilant watch on the unlawful movement of cigarettes within the country.Pakistan Customs affirms its resolute commitment to combat smuggling activities diligently and with utmost caution, reinforcing its dedication to curbing such illegal practices.

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