Pakistan Rejects Indian Supreme Court Ruling on Kashmir

PTBP Web Desk

Pakistan strongly rejected a recent ruling by the Indian Supreme Court that upheld its previous decision endorsing the Modi government’s unilateral revocation of the special status of Jammu and Kashmir by abrogating Article 370 of the Indian Constitution. The latest verdict, like its predecessor, has been met with firm disapproval from Pakistan, which continues to emphasize the internationally recognized disputed status of Jammu and Kashmir and the ongoing human rights violations in the region.

The Foreign Office spokesperson, Mumtaz Zahra Baloch, addressed the issue during her weekly press briefing, expressing Pakistan’s unequivocal rejection of the Indian Supreme Court’s fresh order. “We reject the fresh order of the Indian Supreme Court just as we had rejected the earlier order of December 11, 2023. Two verdicts fail to recognize the internationally recognized disputed nature of Jammu and Kashmir,” she stated.

Baloch further highlighted that the Indian Supreme Court judgments cannot divert the international community’s attention from the severe and systematic human rights violations occurring in Indian Illegally Occupied Jammu and Kashmir (IIOJK). The spokesperson reiterated that Kashmiris have an inalienable right to self-determination, as enshrined in the United Nations Security Council’s resolutions.

The spokesperson underscored that India has no right to make unilateral decisions regarding the status of the disputed territory without considering the will of the parties involved in the dispute—namely, the Kashmiri people and Pakistan. This stance aligns with Pakistan’s longstanding position on the Kashmir issue, which it views as a matter requiring a peaceful resolution through dialogue and adherence to international law.

Baloch’s remarks also drew attention to the grave human rights situation in IIOJK. Reports of extrajudicial killings, arbitrary detentions, and other forms of state oppression have been a significant concern for the international community. Pakistan continues to call for global attention and intervention to address these violations and to ensure the protection of the rights and freedoms of the Kashmiri people.

The spokesperson’s briefing also highlighted the role of the international community in resolving the Kashmir dispute. Pakistan has consistently sought to engage international bodies and nations to acknowledge the disputed nature of Jammu and Kashmir and to press for the implementation of UN Security Council resolutions that advocate for the right to self-determination for the Kashmiri people.

The Kashmir issue, Mumtaz Zahra Baloch welcomed the recent announcements by Ireland, Spain, and Norway to recognize the State of Palestine. This follows similar announcements by the Bahamas, Tobago, Jamaica, and Barbados. Baloch called these recognitions a milestone in the Palestinian people’s decades-old quest for their right to self-determination. Pakistan’s support for Palestinian statehood reflects its broader commitment to self-determination and human rights on the global stage.

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