Pakistan Seeks US Cooperation for Operation Azm-e-Istehkam

PTBP Web Desk

Pakistan’s Ambassador to the United States, Masood Khan, emphasized the need for sophisticated small arms and modern equipment to support Operation Azm-e-Istehkam, a renewed national counter-terrorism initiative recently approved by the federal government. Addressing concerns and outlining strategic imperatives, Khan underscored the importance of international support and cooperation, particularly from the United States, in bolstering Pakistan’s security capabilities.

Operation Azm-e-Istehkam, described as a proactive effort to confront and dismantle terrorist networks within Pakistan, has prompted the country’s leadership to seek enhanced military resources. Ambassador Masood Khan articulated these requirements during an event organized by the Wilson Center’s South Asia Institute in collaboration with the International Academy of Letters USA in Washington, DC.

“This operation aims to oppose and dismantle terrorist networks, requiring sophisticated small arms and communication equipment,” stated Ambassador Khan, highlighting the operational necessities crucial for its success. He clarified Prime Minister Shahbaz Sharif’s reassurances that the operation would not entail large-scale military actions leading to displacement of local populations, addressing concerns about its humanitarian impact.

Speaking on the broader strategic landscape, Khan stressed the significance of Pakistan-US relations, advocating for a comprehensive reset and strengthening of bilateral ties. He emphasized the mutual benefits of maintaining robust security links, enhancing intelligence cooperation, and resuming sales of advanced military platforms and support for Pakistan’s existing US-origin defense equipment.

“The cooperation between Pakistan and the United States in security matters is vital for regional stability and countering the escalating threat of terrorism, which poses risks to US interests and its allies,” asserted Ambassador Khan, highlighting the shared strategic interests underpinning bilateral engagements.

Ambassador Khan further emphasized the pragmatic foundations needed for sustainable Pakistan-US relations, urging both nations to address challenges constructively while advancing shared security and economic objectives. He advocated for a nuanced approach that avoids allowing isolated issues to disrupt the broader relationship, fostering a stable and productive partnership.

Highlighting Pakistan’s demographic potential, technological advancements, and expansive market opportunities, Ambassador Khan extended invitations to US investors and businesses to explore and capitalize on the country’s economic potential. He underscored security, economic, and strategic cooperation as pivotal areas for future collaboration, emphasizing the role of security cooperation in building mutual trust and stability.

The ambassador also highlighted recent high-level defense dialogues, frequent military engagements, and joint exercises such as Inspired Union-2024, Falcon Talon, and Red Flag, which have reinforced defense cooperation between Pakistan and the United States. These initiatives underscored shared commitments to enhancing military interoperability and readiness.

In a forward-looking proposal, Ambassador Khan suggested that the United States should consider Pakistan as a partner in diplomatic efforts concerning Afghanistan, advocating for inclusive dialogue on counterterrorism and promoting the rights of women and girls in the region. He positioned Pakistan as a crucial player in regional diplomacy, emphasizing the potential for collaborative approaches to regional security challenges.

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