PM Orders Swift Inquiry into Missing 34,000 Tons of Wheat from PASSCO

Mohsin Siddiqui (Chief Reporter)

Prime Minister Shahbaz Sharif has mandated a comprehensive investigation into the disappearance of 34,000 tons of wheat from the Pakistan Agricultural Storage & Services Corporation (PASSCO) in 2022. This order comes amidst concerns of corruption and mismanagement within the organization, which have been exacerbated by the bureaucracy’s lack of cooperation with the Prime Minister’s Inspection Team since 2022.

Prime Minister Sharif has set a strict deadline for the completion of the corruption probe within a week. this directive underscores the urgency and gravity of the situation, highlighting the administration’s commitment to addressing the alleged misappropriation of wheat.The inquiry specifically targets former Managing Director of PASSCO, Captain (retired) Saeed. The Prime Minister has ordered that the missing 34,000 tons of wheat be traced and accountability measures be enforced against Saeed within the stipulated time frame.

The Prime Minister has also directed the Director General of the Federal Investigation Agency (FIA) to conduct an inquiry into the missing wheat scandal. This move signifies the involvement of high-level investigative authorities to ensure a thorough and impartial investigation. during the initial probe, the Prime Minister’s Inspection Team was misled, being informed that Captain (retired) Saeed had retired and was no longer involved with PASSCO. However, it was later revealed that Saeed remained a member of the Competitive Commission, raising questions about the transparency and accuracy of the information provided.

Prime Minister Sharif has also called for action against officers responsible for damaging stored wheat during the flood year of 2022. This directive aims to hold accountable those whose negligence or malfeasance contributed to significant losses during a critical period. the Prime Minister has demanded that the wheat theft inquiry report be submitted within two weeks. This report is expected to provide detailed insights into the extent of the theft and the measures required to prevent such occurrences in the future.

Shahbaz Sharif has requested a comprehensive report from the Food Security and Finance Ministries regarding the potential outsourcing of all functions related to PASSCO. This initiative aims to explore more efficient and transparent management practices to prevent future instances of corruption and mismanagement. the Prime Minister has questioned why the impact of the government subsidy has not reached the general public. This inquiry seeks to understand the disconnect between government policies and their implementation, ensuring that subsidies intended to benefit the public are effectively utilized.

An investigation into the administrative expenditures of PASSCO has been ordered. This inquiry will examine the financial management within the organization, including bank arrears and interest, to identify areas of inefficiency and potential misappropriation of funds.

The government has decided to file references with the FIA and the National Accountability Bureau (NAB) against officers involved in corruption. These references aim to initiate formal legal proceedings against those found guilty of mismanagement and corruption within PASSCO.

The swift and thorough investigation ordered by Prime Minister Shahbaz Sharif reflects his administration’s commitment to rooting out corruption and ensuring accountability within government organizations. The focus on PASSCO, a critical entity in Pakistan’s agricultural sector, highlights the importance of transparency and efficient management in safeguarding national resources.

The outcome of this investigation is expected to have significant implications for the governance of agricultural storage and services in Pakistan. By addressing the corruption and mismanagement issues within PASSCO, the government aims to restore public trust and ensure that resources are utilized effectively for the benefit of the nation.

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