Power Distribution Companies Accused of Overbilling

Mohsin Siddiqui (Chief Reporter)

A significant scandal has emerged regarding overbilling by power distribution companies, despite already expensive electricity. Users were allegedly charged millions of extra rupees through overbilling practices.

In August, distribution companies reportedly overcharged consumers by millions despite already high electricity bills. NEPRA took notice of the overbilling issue in August and initiated an inquiry. The inquiry report confirmed overbilling in the bills for August, implicating distribution companies involved in the tune of millions of rupees.

Lesco and Hesco regions experienced the highest instances of overbilling. Protected consumers were billed for non-protected rates, and a delay in readings was exploited for overbilling in the case of Lesco. Reading delays were intentionally introduced by adding a 3 to 4 day delay instead of the scheduled date.

Apart from Lesco and Hesco, other distribution companies were also involved in overbilling. Overbilling was done through non-protected consumers, and additional charges were levied under the pretext of meter change.

The National Electric Power Regulatory Authority (NEPRA) has decided to make the report regarding overbilling by distribution companies public. NEPRA will release the final report after giving it a definitive shape.

NEPRA had taken notice of the overbilling matter in September after receiving numerous complaints from a large number of consumers. An inquiry committee was formed by the authority, which completed its report last week.

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