Punjab Fixes Flour Prices, Cancels Licenses for Overpricing

PTBP Web Desk

The Punjab government has announced the implementation of fixed flour prices across the province under the newly introduced Food Items Act 2024. This initiative comes amid growing concerns over the rising cost of essential commodities and aims to provide relief to the public by standardizing flour prices.

The Punjab Food Department has prepared a notification outlining the new fixed prices for flour, which is set to be enforced following the approval of the Chief Minister of Punjab. According to the notification, the price for a 10 kg bag of flour in Lahore will be set between Rs900 to Rs920, while a 20 kg bag will be priced at Rs1840. These prices are intended to stabilize the market and prevent excessive profiteering by flour suppliers.

The enforcement of these fixed prices will be carried out under the Food Items Act 2024. This act empowers the government to regulate the prices of essential food items and take legal action against those who do not comply. Shopkeepers and dealers found violating the set prices will face strict legal consequences, ensuring that the new pricing regulations are adhered to throughout the province.

In a bid to reinforce the new pricing strategy, the Punjab Food Department has taken stern action against three flour mills by suspending their licenses for selling flour at inflated prices. This measure is part of a broader effort to ensure the availability of affordable flour to the public and to deter other mills from engaging in similar practices. The suspension of licenses serves as a warning to all flour suppliers about the government’s commitment to enforcing fair pricing.

To maintain the integrity of the new pricing system, the Food Department has been actively inspecting flour points across various divisions. In Lahore Division alone, 135 points were checked, with additional inspections conducted in Faisalabad (15 points), Sargodha (71 points), Multan (106 points), Sahiwal (35 points), and DG Khan (3 points). During these inspections, show-cause notices were issued to 92 flour points for poor management practices. These inspections are part of a comprehensive strategy to monitor and enforce the new pricing regulations effectively.

Food Minister Bilal Yasin has emphasized the government’s resolve to crack down on fake records and the supply of overpriced flour. He stated, “Actions are being taken against those involved in creating fake records and selling expensive flour. We are committed to ensuring that flour is available at reasonable prices for everyone.” He also highlighted that the licenses of dealers and mills found supplying flour at high prices will be suspended, reinforcing the government’s strict stance on price regulation.

The Food Department has been vigilant in monitoring market prices on a daily basis. This continuous surveillance is crucial to identifying any discrepancies and ensuring compliance with the new pricing regulations. By maintaining a close watch on market trends, the department aims to preempt any attempts to circumvent the fixed prices and to address issues promptly.

The introduction of fixed flour prices is expected to provide significant relief to the citizens of Punjab, who have been grappling with the rising cost of living. By standardizing prices, the government aims to alleviate the financial burden on households and ensure that flour, a staple food item, remains accessible to all. The enforcement of these prices under the Food Items Act 2024 underscores the government’s commitment to protecting consumer interests and promoting fair trade practices.

Moving forward, the Punjab government plans to continue its efforts to regulate the prices of other essential commodities. The success of the flour pricing initiative will serve as a model for future regulatory measures aimed at stabilizing the market and ensuring the affordability of essential goods. The government is also exploring additional strategies to enhance the efficiency and effectiveness of price regulation mechanisms.

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