Rs. 1.2 Million Approved for Rat Extermination at Parliament House

Mohsin Siddiqui (Chief Reporter)

The Parliament House has prompted the approval of a significant budget to address an unexpected problem—rats.

According to a report by a national daily on Monday, the Parliament House has allocated Rs. 1.2 million specifically for dealing with the growing rat infestation within its premises. This issue has drawn the attention of the National Assembly Secretariat and the Senate Secretariat, leading to decisive action under the direction of the Home Ministry.

Given the severity of the infestation, the relevant authorities have recommended that professional pest control services be employed to ensure an effective and comprehensive resolution. As a result, the Capital Development Authority (CDA) has been instructed to spearhead this initiative by soliciting offers from private pest control firms. These firms, specializing in extermination services, will be tasked with eliminating the rats that have become an unwelcome presence in one of the country’s most important buildings.

The rat problem at the Parliament House is not a new issue. Over the years, various measures have been taken to manage and control the rodent population within the premises, but the infestation appears to have worsened recently. The presence of rats not only poses a health risk but also threatens the structural integrity of the building. Rats are notorious for gnawing through wires, damaging furniture, and spreading diseases, making it crucial for authorities to act swiftly.

The decision to allocate a budget of Rs. 1.2 million reflects the seriousness with which the government is addressing the situation. This substantial amount is earmarked for hiring experts who can implement modern and effective pest control measures. The involvement of private companies indicates a shift towards utilizing specialized skills and resources to combat the infestation comprehensively.

The Capital Development Authority has been at the forefront of efforts to maintain the cleanliness and safety of government buildings, including the Parliament House. However, the scale of the rat problem has necessitated external assistance. The CDA is now actively reaching out to private firms with expertise in pest control to submit their proposals for the extermination project.

This move aligns with the CDA’s broader mandate to ensure that all public buildings under its jurisdiction are well-maintained and free from health hazards. The involvement of private firms is expected to bring in the latest pest control technologies and techniques, which are crucial for dealing with an infestation of this magnitude.

The presence of rats in the Parliament House is more than just a nuisance; it is a matter of public health and safety. Rats are carriers of various diseases, some of which can be transmitted to humans. Their presence in a place where important legislative work is conducted is unacceptable and poses a risk to the well-being of those who work in and visit the building.

Furthermore, the structural damage caused by rats can be extensive. These rodents are known for their ability to chew through materials such as wood, plastic, and even electrical wiring. Left unchecked, this could lead to costly repairs and potentially dangerous situations, such as electrical fires.

By approving a budget specifically for this purpose, the government is taking a proactive approach to mitigating these risks. The use of professional pest control services is expected to not only remove the current infestation but also prevent future occurrences through the implementation of preventative measures.

Private pest control companies bring a level of expertise and specialization that is often beyond the capabilities of government agencies. These firms employ trained professionals who use state-of-the-art equipment and methods to eliminate pests effectively. Their involvement in this project is crucial for ensuring that the rat problem is dealt with swiftly and thoroughly.

The process of selecting a pest control firm will involve evaluating various proposals to ensure that the chosen company can deliver the desired results within the allocated budget. The CDA’s decision to engage with private firms reflects a recognition of the need for specialized knowledge and skills to address the infestation.

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