Wife of Vietnamese Ambassador to Pakistan Goes Missing

PTBP Web Desk

In a troubling development, the wife of the Vietnamese Ambassador to Pakistan went missing from Islamabad on Saturday. The Islamabad police confirmed the incident, stating that they had received a formal complaint from the ambassador regarding her disappearance.

According to the ambassador, his wife went for her routine morning walk but failed to return home. He also mentioned that her mobile phone was switched off, adding to the concerns about her whereabouts. This prompted immediate action from the police, who launched a search operation to locate her.

Upon receiving the complaint, the Islamabad police initiated a comprehensive search operation. Officers are currently scouring the federal capital and its surrounding areas in hopes of finding any clues that might lead to her recovery. The police are also investigating potential leads and interviewing people who might have seen or interacted with her during her morning walk.

Interior Minister Mohsin Naqvi has taken notice of the alarming situation. He has directed the police to expedite their efforts to locate and safely recover the ambassador’s wife. Naqvi emphasized the importance of swift action in such cases, especially involving foreign nationals, to ensure their safety and maintain diplomatic relations.

The disappearance of the wife of a high-ranking diplomat has raised concerns within the diplomatic community in Pakistan. Embassies and consulates in Islamabad are closely monitoring the situation, expressing their hope for her swift and safe return. The Vietnamese embassy has also been actively involved, coordinating with local authorities and providing any necessary support to aid in the search efforts.

This incident highlights the broader issues of security and safety in the capital. While Islamabad is generally considered safer compared to other parts of the country, this event serves as a reminder that no place is immune to incidents of this nature. It underscores the need for constant vigilance and improved security measures, especially for foreign diplomats and their families residing in the country.

The local community has been urged to assist in the search by reporting any sightings or information that could be relevant to the police. Flyers and notices have been distributed in neighborhoods, parks, and public spaces where she might have been seen. Public cooperation is deemed crucial in such high-stakes situations.

Internationally, the news has sparked a wave of concern and solidarity. Diplomatic missions worldwide have expressed their support for the Vietnamese embassy and the missing woman’s family. Many have highlighted the importance of diplomatic security and the need for host countries to ensure the safety of diplomats and their families.

and abroad are closely following the developments of this case. News channels, newspapers, and online platforms have provided extensive coverage, keeping the public informed about the progress of the search operation. The widespread media attention aims to expedite the recovery process by reaching a broader audience who might have pertinent information.

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